Protein Shakes – “A protein shake is a preparation which is intended to provide nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids or amino acids that are missing or not consumed in adequate amounts in a person’s daily diet.”
However there are people who trains and not use protein shakes almost each one of them knows about protein shakes however not everyone knows what kind of protein shakes exists.
There are 3 kind of proteins, casein, whey and soy. Each of them works different thus has time when its best to consume it.
Whey and Soy Proteins are fast digesting and are best to use immediately after training or in the morning.
Casein Protein is slow digesting protein and prevents muscle from breakdown for a longer period of time so best time to use it is before bed to have a continous protein synthesis during night and to avoid muscle breakdown.
It is worth mentioning that there are many companies that makes protein shakes which actually are a stack of 2 or 3 types of proteins. These are very good solutions too and have place in bodybuilders diet.
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