Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2011 on
The new law is not going to be as in the past, to take a bunch of compounds and add them to the list. They are going after all compounds almost like an analog act, acting as a catch-all for the products they have been wanting to remove all along. The law is to prevent any new designer steroid control to come to the market.
The worst part is the “adulterated” or “misbranded drug” charge. If you all do not know what this means…. any product that claims to act like a drug or have any action in the body which would be comparable to a drug, gives the legal groundwork to state the once “dietary supplement” is in actuality a “misbranded drug”.
Although the general public, general consumer wants to see the long, concise and scientific write-up for their new shiny product, this same write-up is also serving as a concise detailed account of how this new “drug” acts on the body and they are pushing to criminalize marketing steroidal products based on advertising claims. You can’t say anything about anabolic, androgenic, weight gain, muscle building. You can do it if you are selling a protein but not with these kind of products. This new law is supposed to be coming mid 2011.
Fancy write-ups targeting site-specific actions and effects on the body and the claims about the products being sold are laying the groundwork for building a case against you. You might as well open the door for the feds instead of them knocking it down….you are going down the wrong road with your marketing and advertising for these types of products.
Remember last year bodybuilding website and a few other companies got raided, their products weren’t illegal to sell. Bodybuilding websites didn’t get charged but they sure pulled every hormonal compound down from their site quick.
A few other companies were forced to take a plea and at least one company was charged with selling a misbranded and adulterated drug; again even though the compounds were legal to sell at the time.
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