How to Start Training Article on Muscles Building Blog
It’s much more feasible to maintain maximum mental and physical intensity for 30 to 40 minutes than for 90 minutes. In fact, after 30 minutes mental focus and intensity start to decline rapidly. 30 to 40 minutes maximizes hormonal spikes related to high-intensity training. Training maximizes key hormonal output based on intensity and duration. Training for 30 to 40 minutes optimizes the “anabolic-window” high-intensity training provides.
Going beyond the 40 minute threshold places you outside the optimum hormonal response time. Training beyond 40 minutes increases the risk of over-training and increases catabolic hormone secretion. Running a strong Steroid cycle with this routine, is a great way for a beginner or even a vet to make some quick gains considering you will be switching up a lot of what you do.
I suggest you visit, to find out more about steroid cycles, or look for previous ones located on this blog.
To follow a good Training program a great way to start for the first 12 weeks is to start with a 5×5 workout routine.
You Will Warm up with 2 sets each exercise you do.
So figure out what a warm up is for you if you struggle curling 60lbs then you will do this. 8 reps warm up set using 40lbs then 8 reps warm up set using 50 lbs. Next you will pick up your 60lb weights that you struggle with and you will curl them 5x for 5 sets.
Do this for each part of your body on its own days.
Monday- Back
Tuesday- Arms
Wednesday- legs
Thursday – chest
Friday – shoulders.
Abs can be done every day and you should aim for 100 for high reps.
So following this program for 12 weeks, then you will switch it up and do 3 sets of 8 reps. After this you should be a lot stronger. Remember after so long your body adapts to the workouts you were use to doing, so adding in new ways to workout will help you achieve more results. This will WORK for everyone.
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