Testosterone Propionate and Oral Trenbolone Cycle. Perfect Lean Mass and Cut Cycle.
No matter what they say certain steroids do change your body composition. Meaning that they can make you burn fat along with gaining muscle. One of those steroids are Oral Trenbolone. Oral tren is a quick fix steroid, if running Testosterone steroid, you may gain water weight. At the end of any test cycle i like to include tren in on a cycle because it makes you shed the water weight, and burn fat at the same time, meaning you can drop 25lbs in 3 weeks times water and fat.
This is perfect because the Test you are running fast or slow acting can produce water gain. So why not get rid of it before you end your cycle with some fast acting tren and when you get off the test your body will not shut down from the tren perfect right.
The Test P and Oral Trenbolone Cycle.
Test P – 1-8 weeks, 100mg EOD – every other day.
Oral Tren 6-8 weeks, 500mcg week 6 and 7. 750mcg 3 pills daily for week 8.
PCT should include Clomid and Nolva for 2 weeks.
visit www.gbnstore.net for all your anabolic needs.
Visit www.hypermuscles.com for information, cycles, pct info and other information and talk to members about anabolic steroids or just weight lifting.
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