To gain muscle you have to tear and repair muscle. But lets not forget if certain parts of your body are not strong, its going to effect other parts of your body from being strong aswell. Everyone should no by now the abdominal exercise and core strentgh is the key to having a strong body. If you have core strentgh, the this is going to help with curling aswell. At the end of everyday gym day, you should be doing some type of core exercises.
Testosterone is a key factor in growing large. There are alot of ways to release your natural Testosterone but the best way is to work your legs out. Your legs carry you around all day, if you have stronger legs, your body is going to be stronger all over.
Key exercises to grow. Are for your Back do Deadlifts and bent over rows, just these two exercises, and or just deadlifts hit every muscle in your back itself. There is no better back exercise then doing a Deadlift, this is going to help you with power and acheiving a nice wide muscular back.
Chest- To develope a nice chest, push ups are the best exercise for you. Diamond pushups, Military pushups, and Wide arm push ups.
Legs- A leg workout is never a leg workout with out squats, if you can squat your body weight you are doing great, this exercise is to help build all of your legs and not only that it releases testosterone into your body.
Core work can be done everyday, your abs repair overnight so hitting them everyday is fine, not only that but a strong core will help you eliminate alot of injuries.
Now these are the major exercises that should be done, of course not all together but on each its own day, if your doing your back you should be adding in the deadlifts. If you are doing the legs squats need to be in there along with leg extensions, and presses. You need to push your body to lift heavy to get bigger and stronger, lifting the same weight everyday is not going to get you anywhere except smaller and cut.
If you are to skip on certain body parts, alot of people skip legs, this makes your upper body weaker. You need to work your whole body out and not skip out on this. Visit to find out more.
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Great post, good example of what you shouldn’t do. thanks for the post!