- Pharmaceutical Form
- Drug Class: Andogenic Steroidal Agent (Oral)
- Active Life: 8-12 hours
- Average Dose: 25-200 mg/day
- Liver Toxicity: Low
- Aromatization rate: None
- DHT Conversion: None
- Decrease HPTA function: No
- Anabolic/ Androgenic rate: 100-150 : 30-40
- Active Substance: Mesterolone 25mg/tab
Proviroxyl by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals with its active substance Mesterolone represents an estrogen antagonist meant to prevent the aromatization of steroids. It is classified as an androgenic steroid and anti-aromatization prescription drug.
Proviroxyl provide muscles more hardness because of the high androgen levels and the low level of estrogen. Since is considered a weak anabolic, it is more popular for its ability to prevent gyno and fluid retention. However it is well known as a “helper” steroid.
Unlike almost all other orals, proviron is not hepatotoxic, as it is not 17-alkylated. The most common complaint with proviron by male users is erectile dysfunction, specifically prolonged and frequent erections. The potential side effect for female users with proviron is disruption of menstrual cycles.
Link to Offical Proviroxyl page on Kalpa website: http://kalpapharmaceuticals.com/Oral+Steroids-sale/proviroxyl-24
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