by MusclesProd
How often you look in the mirror?
Did you ever felt more energy and power during training session while looking in the mirror? You know why it happens? For example you are performing standing biceps curls,you are watching how your muscles works and you feel them, you feel how your blood is pumped there and your biceps is getting stronger and bigger. Everything this happens because you are looking at them and you concentrate your mind on the exercise.
That is an important aspect of success in bodybuilding among, touching muscles when exercising (leg extensions for example) and visualization technique.
Each one of us reacts different to each technique that is why trying them is important to find what is best for us. For me looking in the mirror works better. I like to look in the mirror when doing squats, when doing shoulders and doing biceps curls and together with mind concentration this helps me feel my muscles better thus sending them more powerful signal to muscles which makes them bigger.
Try combination of these techniques and your path to bigger muscles will get shorter.
Good luck!
© by musclesprod, copying this article is permitted only with source indication.
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I understood this from since I joined gym, I always lifted higher weights when looking in the mirror. Good article for newbie though.