Quickest Turn around And best overall Source.

For anyone new at this, you can actually find yourself a full cycle, this is for begginers and up you will beable to start off where you need to just like everyone else does, this will just help save you time searching for a cycle because they went ahead and took care of this for you Quickest Turn around And best overall Source. Read More

Were do I Begin When Trying Steroids.

When first getting into the use of Anabolic Steroids you will want to do a bit of research. A great way for anyone to learn is to join a well known Forum base. This is where many Body Builders who start off just like you and will go and join

Were do I Begin When Trying Steroids. Read More

How to Start Training

As you drift outside the “anabolic-window” you enter a detrimental “catabolic” phase. Training beyond 40 minutes decreases anabolic activity. So as you can see, there are physiological advantages to keeping your workout in the 30 to 40 minute range. And there are definite physiological disadvantages to training beyond 40 minutes.

How to Start Training Read More

Advanced Steroid Cycle for Cutting by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

The cycle inside will include, Testosterone, Trenbolone, Masteron, Anavar and for Estrogen side effects we will include Arimidex. Pct posted aswell. 12 week cycle. This is a cycle to do after the First Advanced Bulking Cycle. As posted early yesterday.

Advanced Steroid Cycle for Cutting by Geneza Pharmaceuticals Read More

Growth Hormone and Advanced Steroid Bodybuilding Cycle.

An Advanced Steroid cycle. Including HgH, Sustanon 250, Equipose, and Winstrol. This is a great lean mass cycle, can also be used as a bulk cycle if you use Dball in place of the Winstroll. More Info inside. 20 week info cycle.

Growth Hormone and Advanced Steroid Bodybuilding Cycle. Read More

Oral Cutting Cycle – What is The Best Oral Steroid for Cutting

Oral only cycles are not praised or looked upon. But back in the early days oral only cycles of just dianabol were used. Why is it that today we are looking at these huge cycles, when some of us just want to lean out and gain some muslce. Dball and winstroll are the only oral only cycles that should be considerd as each of them do its just well. Dball only you can find in earlier post this post i would like to focus on a oral only winstrol cycle.

Oral Cutting Cycle – What is The Best Oral Steroid for Cutting Read More

Cycle Pro Bodybuilders of IFBB .

As the following drug cycle commenced, our interviewee was 14 weeks out from the world’s most prestigious bodybuilding event, the Mr. Olympia. Upon beginning this cycle he weighed a whopping 280 pounds. Due to the possibility that he could be identified, his contest weight and his placement at the event will not be published. Below is his cycle as it was given to me (please see the drug guide at the end of the article for a brief explanation of the drugs used).

Cycle Pro Bodybuilders of IFBB . Read More

Randy Orton. Steroid Cycle – Diet and Workout Routine.

Inside you will find, the steroids in which he used. His own personal diet and exercise word for word from randys own mouth.

Many people look and watch wrestling, not for the wrestling or show but to follow wrestlers such as HHH, John Morrison, John Cena, Randy Orton and Batista. These wrestlers bodies look like Body Builders and we all no that they use steroids aswell. So what does a Wrestler like Randy Orton do when he is on the road 365 days a year.

Randy Orton. Steroid Cycle – Diet and Workout Routine. Read More