Advanced Steroid Cycle for CUTTING

Before running this stack, i would like to state that it should only be taken by Advanced steroid users and Bodybuilders. There is no reason if you are starting steroids that you will need to run this stack at all. You will need to have already used atleast 5 cycles. You already have stacked atleast 2 to 3 diffrent kinds of steroids and ran a cut and bulk cycle in the past. Also you will need to no how to run PCT for you to keep the gains you made.

Advanced Steroid Cycle for CUTTING Read More

Dball cycle with Clen. Quick Bulk and cut cycle for the summer.

Adding a quick 12lbs in 4 weeks of mass is not a problem when it comes to using Dball. Alot of users are going to complain about the water weight that comes with the results, but this is not a problem you loose water weight with all steroids thats aromatise

Dball cycle with Clen. Quick Bulk and cut cycle for the summer. Read More

Clenbuterol and Thyroid T3 Cycle – Be Ready for Summer

When running a cycle of this extent. Women can do 1 or 2 things. If you are a girl looking to loose alot of weight and are not worried about looking muscular or cut, then all you have to do is follow the cycle below, as the T3 will make you body shed both muscle and fat.

Clenbuterol and Thyroid T3 Cycle – Be Ready for Summer Read More

Advanced Anabolic steroid Cycle. PCT Included.

The cycle inside is only for advancd steroid users, and bodybuilders. The doseages and and cycle lentgh is twice what a begginer would use, and the PCT is also alot stronger. You should have atleast 6 to 8 cycles and atleast 25 years of age before even thinking of using a cycle this strong.

Advanced Anabolic steroid Cycle. PCT Included. Read More

The number one most effective Beginner cycle.

This has got to be one of the best Begginers cycle. If you want to see some good results and no what Anabolic Steroids are about this is a perfect first cycle. It includes two steroids, you can find this combo on a recent post top 5 anabolic steroids. So what we will do here is use the top 2 Testosterone and Deca durabolin

The number one most effective Beginner cycle. Read More

GenShi Labs Cuts Stack 300 and 750

Genshi labs Is a Pham Grade lab. This product is a great cut stack, ahd should be run from 4 to 12 weeks. 150 to 300mg injections should be taken every other day. As with any steroids i suggest starting at the lower dose to see how well your body takes to it.

Side effects: Acne, Hairloss, liver and kidney, gyno

GenShi Labs Cuts Stack 300 and 750 Read More

Cutting Anabolic Steroid Stack with Propionate Winstrol and Oral Tren

For your diet if you want the best gains and an incredible look. You will have to be strict as possible, if you are not you will still see good gains, but if you want to be the best at the end of this then you got to eat this way to acheive this. Diet is the key to this cycle, you will be feeding your muscle and taking in alot of protein.

Cutting Anabolic Steroid Stack with Propionate Winstrol and Oral Tren Read More