Gen-Shi Cypionat

Gen-Shi Cypionat 1500/300

Generic Name:
Testosterone Cypionate
Chemical Name:
Molecular Structure:
Molecular Weight:
288.43 g/mol
Proprietary Name:
Dosage Form:
250 mg/ml
Pharmaceutical Classification:
Anabolic Steroid

Pharmacokinetics and Indications:
American athletes have a long and fond relationship with Testosterone cypionate.
While Testosterone enanthate is manufactured widely throughout the world, cypionate seems to be almost exclusively an American item. It is therefore not surprising that American athletes particularly favor this testosterone ester. But many claim this is not just a matter of simple pride, often swearing cypionate to be a superior product, providing a bit more of a “kick” than enanthate. At the same time it is said to produce a slightly higher level of water retention, but not enough for it to be easily discerned. Of course when we look at the situation objectively, we see these two steroids are really interchangeable, and cypionate is not at all superior. Both are long acting oil-based injectables, which will keep testosterone levels sufficiently elevated for approximately two weeks. Enanthate may be slightly better in terms of testosterone release, as this ester is one carbon atom lighter than cypionate (remember the ester is calculated in the steroids total milligram weight). The difference is so insignificant however that no one can rightly claim it to be noticeable (we are maybe talking a few milligrams per shot).
Regardless, cypionate came to be the most popular testosterone ester on the U.S. black market for a very long time

Possible Side Effects:
Since testosterone is the primary male androgen, we should also expect to see
pronounced androgenic side effects with this drug. Much intensity is related to the rate in which the body converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This, as you know, is the devious metabolite responsible for the high prominence of androgenic side effects associated with testosterone use. This includes the development of oily skin, acne, body/facial hair growth and male pattern balding. Those worried that they may have a genetic predisposition toward male pattern baldness may wish to avoid testosterone altogether. Others opt to add the ancillary drug Proscar/Propecia, that prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This can greatly reduce the chance for running into a hair loss problem, and will probably lower the intensity of other androgenic side effects. Although active in the body for much longer time, cypionate is injected on a weekly or bi-weekly basis in order to maintain stable blood levels.

Efective dose: Effective dose : 500mg – 1500 mg every week

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