GP Test Suspension 100

test-suspension-100Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a relatively new company on the market but in short period of time their products conquered hearts of many athletes and this due to quality and the wide range of products they manufacture.

GP Test Suspension 100 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is injectable steroid which contains 100mg per 1 ml in 10ml vial the Testosterone Suspension.

Testosterone Suspension is pure testosterone and has no attached ester to its structure.
GP Test Suspension 100 is the most powerful testosterone!
Mass and strength area easily achieved with this great product.

Testosterone Suspension may have positive effect on promoting health and well-being through enhanced libido, energy, immunity, increased fat loss, gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, preventing osteoporosis, but again this depends on doses and body’s predispositions because it can bring you many side-effects.

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