- Pharmaceutical Form
- Drug Class: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
- Active Life: 6-7 days
- Average Dose: 10-40 mg/day
- Liver Toxicity:
- Aromatization rate:
- DHT Conversion:
- Decrease HPTA function:
- Anabolic/ Androgenic rate:
- Active Substance:Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg/tab
Nolvaxyl by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals with its active substance Tamoxifen Citrate is an estrogen agonist and is one of most popular ancillary drug among athletes.
Nolvaxyl has an impact on raising natural testosterone production. Depending on what cycle are the user and his personal sensitivity to estrogen Nolvaxyl usage is different.
Nolvaxyl is not the most potent ancillary compound that can be used on a cycle, but it is probably the safest considering it doesn’t reduce estrogen in body keeping some estrogen floating around.
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