Advanced Steroid Cycle for Cutting by Geneza Pharmaceuticals on Muscles Building Blog
Week1– 12 Testosterone Propopionate 100mgs EOD.
Week1 – 12 Trenbolone Acetate 100mg EOD.
Go to Week 6-12 with Masterone 75mg EOD.
Week1- 6 Anavar 60mg (every day)
Week1-12 Arimidex 0.5mg (every day)
Advanced Steroid Cycle on IronPharm.
Now with this cycle a smart user will notice that the dose is low. This is because your body will adapt fast to it and the even if you are taking in less calories then usual this cycle is going to strip fat of you but you will maintain all your muscle. Trenbolone is one of the key factors to this cycle.
The reason why trenbolone is so popular in many cycles is that with tren you will put on 5x the muscle mass that you would with the usual dose of Testosterone. While on Tren you will probley have problems with cardio but that comes with the price and either way it is well worth the use.
There are many progesterone steroids in this cycle, this is why the Testosterone is key. Testosterone will maintain your sex drive and you will be all set. You will not have to worry about that side effect at all.
So work out and train hard and you will get that nice and lean desired look that you want.
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