Buy steroids with credit card – Is it safe?

If you are going to buy steroids with credit card there are a few ways to do it.  If a website offers you a choice to use credit card, then it is probley ok, as they would not put you in a bad situation.

Buy steroids with credit card

When buying domestic steroids a lot of legit steroid suppliers will send your package with a tracking number. Once it is in the United States, you can begin tracking your package.  When the package arrives you will have to sign for it. If its a few days late they may just leave it in your package. Either way you will no that it is on its way to you.

Once the package gets into the United States, the chance of it getting stopped is O percent.  Once it comes into the United States the package cleared CUSTOMS already and no one else has the need or want to go into your package expecting you purchased a drug.

Customs will stop your package and Flagg your address, so that every time you order something and it goes threw customs it will be checked.  But if your package is caught then they will just send you a letter and destroy the products. 

Where to buy steroids with credit

The Feds are not interested in Busting a person buying 2 vials of steroids and a bottle of dball.  So dont be nervous your going to be busted and raided.  The Feds want to bust the person buying 50 vials and 15 bottles of dball.  If you are buying products in bulk you will problem be watched or flagged.  Think of this if you got a big box going threw customs, or a little package what do you think will get stopped.  The big box because your ordered way to many products, instead what i suggest is you make 2 or 3 small orders so that they will be shipped in smellers packages.  This way you will have a smaller chance of your product being stopped.

Buy steroids with credit  card from legit source and avoid scammers.

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One Comment on “Buy steroids with credit card – Is it safe?”

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