Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info

Thinking about doing steroids?? on Muscles Prod

Thinking about doing steroids?Newbie Information:
Everything a Newbie needs to know before starting a cycle


The general rule passed on to people is that you should reach your natural potential before starting a cycle of steroids. Obviously if everyone followed this rule, anyone who used would be almost 30 and older…… So, because everyone is not going to follow that rule, here is a rule that I think is a must! You should know how to train, diet, and rest properly to make the changes to your body that you want to obtain. Whether you want to lose fat or gain mass, you should have a good understanding of how to do so without the help of steroids, before you choose to use
steroids. The reason for this is because steroids are a “helper” they are not a miracle, that can transform your body well you sit on the couch. So you need to have the understanding of all the major aspects of bodybuilding, so that you can use steroids effectively.


The next thing you should do is to start researching what you are going to be putting in your body, and what effects and side effects it will have. There is a plethora of information on the internet, so do some searches or research on some bodybuilding boards. Read about different substances and what kind of effect they have.

Read about the side effects of them, and what to do about unwanted side effects. About how to cycle them, length of cycles, and Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). Also, read about Anti-estrogen’s, as these are the drugs that will save you from gyno, and too much water retention. And after you have read about all of these things, then read them all over again to make sure you have absorbed what you read. When you are knowledgeable to answer the questions you had about steroids before you did your research, then you are probably ready for your first cycle.


*NOTE: You should have everything including post cycle therapy stuff, BEFORE you start your cycle!!

Your first step:

The first thing you will have to do is get over that fear of needles….. A cycle including nothing but oral steroids is not going to produce the results you want, period! Go to: to research how to inject.

The Cycle – Anabolics

The most common Newbie Cycle is Testosterone Enanthate, run at 500mg per week for 10 weeks, split up into two shots per week (250mg on day 1, and on day 4). The cycle can be run with just Test. and good results should be seen. I personally like D-bol to be added with that cycle, but it doesn’t need to be.
If it is added, it is run at 30mg a day for 4 weeks. The dosage should be split up during the course of the day, to keep blood levels as even as possible.

The Cycle – Anti-estrogen’s

An anti-estrogen (usually Nolvadex or Arimidex) will need to be purchased to have handy in case gyno symptoms start. Itchy and sore nipples will tell you that you are getting gyno, and Nolvadex should be started (I use Nolva personally so I am showing Nolva dosages) at 60mg per day for 2 days, then 40 for one day, then 20mg for the rest of the cycle. There is one catch tho…. Nolvadex and Arimidex will only take care of estrogen driven Gyno…… Gyno that is caused by prolactin needs to be countered by using proviron. Prolactin induced gyno can occur from Trenbolone or Deca. (these are not used in your cycle so you don’t have to worry about it…)


PCT can be run a few different ways….. I will outline on of the most common ways that it is run. If you don’t want to do it this way, then it is easy enough to find an alternative way, by doing research.

2 weeks after your last shot of Testosterone Enanthate. you should be starting your PCT. The most common combo is to use clomid and nolvadex together. Clomid is run at 300mg day 1, 100mg day 2-14, and 50mg day 15-30. Nolva should be run with it at 20mg for the whole 30 days you are on clomid.

During PCT you should keep your caloric intake at or above the amount you would use for bulking. This will help you keep your gains, and stop you from going catabolic. Also you should train hard, so that you can keep your gains. Remember that you are not on any anabolic steroids now, so you may have to bring your
volume down, and up your rest a little, so that you don’t overtrain.


Well now you have completed your PCT and your hormones should be getting back to normal. The general rule for time off is: TIME ON = TIME OFF. This should be followed. If you did a three month cycle, then you should wait three months after that last shot of test before doing another steroids cycle. This will allow your
body to get back to normal and stay healthy.
Source: Written By: Crankin’steiN From

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