Why Robert Burneika Loves Heavy Metal

Why Robert Burneika loves heavy metal.
On October 16, super-heavyweight Robert Burneika won the overall NPC Nationals. Two things that separated him from the competition were his left and right calves. He had the best lower legs in the contest. Now, as he prepares to make his pro debut next year, Burneika shares his calf training philosophy and lays out a calf routine that helped this Lithuanian native experience the American dream.

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Cutter Contest

Learn from expert how to prepare for the bodybuilding contest
Ok here is what I have used for the past 10yrs. I did not write this, well I wrote it but its based on what was used by a former Olympia contender for years. Follow this to a T. Do not change the protein/fat throughout the whole diet, only carbs will change, Its based on a slow gradual decrease in carbs over 12-15wks. Biggest mistake IMO BBers make is they cut carbs WAY to fast and appear flat by showtime.

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