Burn Fat – Best Performance Enhancers.

There are quite a few products available from different pharmacys. Alot of the sought after products legal and illegal are, Clenbuterol Thurmogenic, T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, DNP, cyx3, Ephedra and icyplex. Most of these products come in pill for and liquid form to take orally, and only on of these product do you inject into your fat for local fat loss where you cant loose fat the most. All with differnet side effects.

Burn Fat – Best Performance Enhancers. Read More

Clenbuterol and Thyroid T3 Cycle – Be Ready for Summer

When running a cycle of this extent. Women can do 1 or 2 things. If you are a girl looking to loose alot of weight and are not worried about looking muscular or cut, then all you have to do is follow the cycle below, as the T3 will make you body shed both muscle and fat.

Clenbuterol and Thyroid T3 Cycle – Be Ready for Summer Read More