Should You Start with Testosterone Injections or Dianabol Tabs?

This is because all anabolic steroids are forms of Testosterone. If you get side effects from Test you will get them from alot of other anabolic steroids. So you think let me start off with dianabol and just see how this effects me. But it can also be a mistake.

Should You Start with Testosterone Injections or Dianabol Tabs? Read More

Growth Hormone and Advanced Steroid Bodybuilding Cycle.

An Advanced Steroid cycle. Including HgH, Sustanon 250, Equipose, and Winstrol. This is a great lean mass cycle, can also be used as a bulk cycle if you use Dball in place of the Winstroll. More Info inside. 20 week info cycle.

Growth Hormone and Advanced Steroid Bodybuilding Cycle. Read More

Dball cycle with Clen. Quick Bulk and cut cycle for the summer.

Adding a quick 12lbs in 4 weeks of mass is not a problem when it comes to using Dball. Alot of users are going to complain about the water weight that comes with the results, but this is not a problem you loose water weight with all steroids thats aromatise

Dball cycle with Clen. Quick Bulk and cut cycle for the summer. Read More