Magnesium with Vitamin D, Know the Importance of Taking Enough

Know the Importance of Taking Enough Magnesium with Your Vitamin D
As more people begin to realize the amazing health benefits that Vitamin D has to offer, more people are naturally beginning to get more vitamin D, either through supplements or sunshine. The downside of this increased intake, however, is that more people are having adverse reactions from Vitamin D.

Magnesium with Vitamin D, Know the Importance of Taking Enough Read More

Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse

Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse
Asthmatics with low levels of vitamin D may suffer more severely from the disease than patients with sufficient levels of the vitamin, according to a study conducted by researchers from National Jewish Health in Denver and published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse Read More