I follow a simple plan called 5-4-3-2-1, in which I count portions. So much easier than calories!
4-C’s (sometimes I aim for 3 or less if I am leaning up)
2-G’s (veggies)
1- T (treat – optional)
Meal 1: 2 eggs +3 Whites with Spinach and Red Pepper (1 P, 1 F, 1 G)
Supplements: MultiVitamin, Omega 3’s, Vit D, Adrenal Support Supplement
Meal 2: Oatmeal, w/ natural PB, and 1 scoop Vanilla Bean Protein Powder (1P, 1C, 1F)
this is my preworkout meal!
Preworkout Drink ~ Berzerk (Pink Lemonade flavor) by Complete Nutrition ~ love it!!!!
Workout ~ I take NX6, a NO product, before my workouts.
Postworkout Drink ~ Rezzerect (Blue Raz) by Complete Nutrition ~ love it too! (1/2 C, 1/2 P)
Meal 3: Low Fat Cottage Cheese with Sliced Banana (1P, 1 C)
Meal 4: Steak, sweet potatoe w/lil butter, Asparagus (1P,1C, 1F, 1G)
Meal 5: Protein shake with Almond Milk and water (P, small amount C)
Totals for the day:
5.5 Protein servings
3.5 Carb servings
3 Fat Servings
2 Greens
No Treat on this menu!
I have been following the 5-4-3-2-1 plan for at least 4 years. I tweek it accordingly usuallly in the Carbs when I am being strict preparing for a competition or a photoshoot, also when I am Boosting or Buffing!
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