Eduardo Correa Workout must be something special as many thinks however in first place is always hard work!
If you are looking for magic then close this page because there is no magic 🙂
Lifting weights with a goal may not be easy but with a goal you can do it. Disciple or daily routine is what determines where you will arrive.
Eduardo Correa Workout started with first steps in gym and may be it was not diferrent than ours and may be his goals were same as for many of us.
Regarding goals, luck and success we will quote Eduardo:
“If your goal is aesthetics, you should focus on that and leave the ego aside. Work the target muscle with strict technique. Don’t worry about heavy weights.”
Eduardo Correa
Below is Eduardo Correa Workout we found on the web.
If you are looking for super-set workouts to get more definition follow next link: Cutting Bodybuilding Workout
DAY 1: Legs
DAY 2: Chest, shoulders
DAY 3: Back, triceps
DAY 4: Legs
DAY 5: Chest, shoulders
DAY 6: Biceps, triceps
DAY 7: Rest
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